Creating your SuperSelf™ starts with one small bite!

Every calorie counts, pick Jaca rare sugar to stay ahead

The SuperSelf journey gives you the building blocks to find a healthier you. Nowadays, we’re running in so many directions, it’s important to take a moment to breathe in and out and remember that our bodies need fuel to operate. And, the biofuel that we use to keep our engines running is super important. Good fuel in, good positive energy out. This doesn’t mean sacrificing life's pleasures – like sugar! Creating healthy habits using Jaca will help you meet the needs – and the cravings – of the day, while keeping your beautiful life force and vigor. Join the SuperSelf movement.


Eating healthy reduces cellular aging markers by 30%

Good dietary habits reduce the risk of depression by 30%

Children who eat nutritious meals grow an average of 2-3 inches taller by adolescence

Kids who eat less sugar have a 50% less chance of developing cavities

Portion control and balanced nutrition lead to a 60% less chance of obesity


Proper nutrition doesn’t mean eating like a rabbit. And results don’t have to appear overnight. Good Health & Wellbeing means making good choices, consistently, so that over time a lifestyle is established that results in the best and happiest you. We are all the sum of our parts. Nutrition, exercise, sleep, the formula is simple once it’s spelled out.

The SuperSelf Nutrition Module

Want to unlock your full potential through mindful eating? Discover how good nutrition can transform you. Download this eBook, answer a series of simple questions, including your likes and dislikes,
and use our quick planning tools to create a menu that aligns with your goals.


A Healthier You

A new center of gravity will emerge. Taking control of eating habits will impact moods, performance, sleep, and maybe most importantly, how we treat those around us. Use the SuperSelf process to Recognize, Embrace and Channel as you move forward

REC the Future!

The REC Analysis Module helps you
Recognize, Embrace and Channel thoughts
and ideas across the journey. When we
understand what we will be faced with, we
can dissect and compute how to best use our powerful minds to serve us in the most
productive wa
